Friday, November 29, 2019
A Comparison between Two Novels Essay Example
A Comparison between Two Novels Essay Again, in the 9th paragraph in Chapter 1, when Muralist went to his mothers burial, he didnt go to see his mother nor felt a little grieved, instead, he paid attention to an Arab nurse in a white smock, with a brightly colored scarf on her head, how ridiculous! He was indeed alienated to society and other characters, having nothing to do with the surroundings and living on the outskirts of life. While The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka reveals a fantastic premise, and the protagonist, Gregory transforming 1/6 into a bug. Kafka uses the transformation to show Gregory grappling with his identity. His reaction to the transformation is unique, as he absurdly considers: What if I went back to sleep for another while and forgot all this foolishness? 3 Likewise, he struggles to get comfortable and bizarrely thinks, What a strenuous profession have chosen! revealing that his work holds more importance than predicament. Upon hearing his mothers voice he is concerned about communication. After hearing his family call him he tries to get up but his bug-like form suppresses his reaction forcing him to contemplate on the things that lie ahead: calmest possible reflection is far preferable to desperate decisions. 4 At the realization of the metamorphosis, Gorges family starts to avoid him and treat him as if he were insignificant. Finally his father rejects him by hurling an apple at him. Gregory is neglected by his sister and rejected by his family. Upon Gorges demise his family celebrated the loss of an insignificant being Basic Values Existentialism Existentialists reject belief in t he re-existing essence of humanity, which is said to motivate our building of qualities, attitudes and expectations within which live. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparison between Two Novels specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparison between Two Novels specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparison between Two Novels specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer For existentialists, human nature does not exist, and constraints conformity are illusory. It follows that all people are free to make choices. Existentialists see individuals as unique and at the centre of their own world, with total responsibility for their actions and with no need to justify their actions. 5 The first time read the novel we may well regard him as a reject due to his alienation to society. But just as the author put in his AFTERWARD in 955, that In this sense, he is an outsider to the society in which he lives And for that reason, some readers have been tempted to regard him as a reject. But to get a more accurate picture Of his character, or rather one which conforms more closely to his authors intentions, you will find the profound symbol and significance of such an anti-hero. At least for Campus, Muralist is not a reject, but a poor and naked man, in love with a sun which leaves no shadows. Numerous?s main value is that he does not lie and thus refuses to play the game. We see a lot of that coming through at the end of The Stranger, especially in those last few lines. Muralist declares that all he has left now is to wish for a crowd of spectators but he doesnt. One explanation for this is that the point isnt for Muralist to feel less alone its that he can choose whether or not to be less alone. That he is able to choose, that he is aware of this ability, and that this is what defines his revelation. 6. L opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world; finding it so much like myself Campus presentation of the character makes one question the essence of passion in life as he shows: life is 5 3 4 Kafka, 11 Kafka, 14 Dry Sony. Lecture Three : The Stranger Dry Sony. Lecture Three : The Stranger, Philosophical Literature 6 2/6 becoming a tedious task that is void Of purpose. Existentialism and the survival of an existential hero are peculiar as all the hero would do is live for the sake of living. 7 In comparison, Kavas The Metamorphosis equally philosophical to The Stranger it strongly emphasizes on existentialism. The protagonist Gregory Jams is a sales man who strongly dislikes his job. He strongly desires to remove all the social burdens that afflict him. His desire illustrated by transformation into a monstrous vermin. Misinformation represents a way to escape from his human burdens, but that transformation also dehumidifies him and takes all the meaning and control of his life away. In this way he experiences the existentialism that goes along with him throughout the story until the time of his death. Gregory now hardly ate anything anymore. Only when he accidentally Passed the food laid out for him wo uld he take a bite into his mouth just for fun, hold it in for hours, and then mostly spit it out again8 He becomes totally uninvolved to the point of having totally no interaction with anyone inside or outside of the family. Gregory is totally abandoned by his family, does not eat and eventually dies. Gregory Jams allowed himself to die upon realizing that he was free from society burdens. In conclusion, The Metamorphosis highlights that one must interact with society in order to have a meaning In life, while portraying hopelessness in a life controlled by the standards of society. In the same manner.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essays
Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essays Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essay Minds Are Opened When Hearts Are Opened Essay Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited (A Joint venture of Govt. of India and Govt. of Delhi) ADMIT CARD Date : 26. 07. 2013 Important: Please take the printout in color format only with clear vision of Photograph Registration No. : 266781 Name and A ddress : RA MESH KUMA R CHA NDESHWA R PRA SA D , FILMS DIVISION,1, MA HA DEV ROA D NEW DELHI DELHI DELHI-110001 Category : ST Roll No. : 23308745 Signature of the Candidate Name of Post: Jr. Engineer/ Electrical 02 Examination Date: 1-08-2013 (SUNDAY) Examination Time: 11:00 AM 2:00 PM Reporting Time: Examination Centre: Vidya Niketan Public School Nanak Pura, Near Nanakpura Gurudwara 10:30 AM Opposite to Crime Women Cell Moti Bagh-II, New Delhi-110021 Your faithfully for DELHI METR O R AIL C O R PO R ATIO N LTD. CERTIFICA TE: I have verified the photo pasted above with the face of the candidate. Signature of the Invigilator Dear Candidate, Authorize d Signatory W e thank you for re sponding to our adve rtise m e nt No. DMR C /O M/HR /I/2013 for conside ration for re cruitm e nt in our O rganization. 1.You are re que ste d to appe ar for the writte n te st at the C e ntre on the date and tim e spe cifie d above . In case your photograph is not printe d above , the n Ple ase affix your re ce nt passport size photograph and put your signature in the space provide d above in the pre se nce of a Gaze tte d office r and ge t both duly atte ste d by him , failing which you w ill not be allowe d in the writte n te st. 2. This Adm it C ard should be brought to the e x am ination ce ntre and hande d ove r to the R oom Invigilator. 3. You should re ach the te st ce ntre be fore the re porting tim e as m e ntione d above .Late com e rs will not be pe rm itte d to appe ar in the te st. 4. 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The que stion pape r will be distribute d as pe r the following sche dule in continuation : 11:00 A M to 12:30 PM 12:30 PM to 02:00 PM que stions from Paper -I, Objective type (multiple choice) Paper- II, Subjective type and 45 que stions from Ge ne ral Aptitude sphe re including Ge ne ral The obje ctive type que stion pape r will be m ultiple choice bilingual (English/Hindi) consisting of total 120 que stions (75 Te chnical/profe ssional sphe re aware ne ss, logical ability and ge ne ral English. ).The subje ctive type que stion pape r (in English only) will consist of paragraph writing, com pre he nsion, Essay and que stions on Scie nce te chnology m atte r. 3. How to answer objective type paper (Paper-I). In obje ctive type pape r e ach que stion is followe d by four alte rnative re sponse s se rialle d (1) to (4). 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DMRC-ADMIT CARD How to answer subjective type paper (Paper-II): The candidate will be provide d answe r book le t to write de scriptive answe rs on the answe r book le t. Important: The candidates are instructed to copy write declaration given in the back side of front cover page of subjective answer book failing which their candidature may be cancelled. www. eonlineapply. com/dmrc/AdmitcardJ. asp 3/3
Friday, November 22, 2019
Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis - Assignment Example The initial search was done in PubMed using the MeSH terms "necrotizing enterocolitis" "preterm" "breastfeeds" "formula feeds". The limits set for the search was "English language article only" because of lack of understanding of the reviewer of other languages. The search yielded 12 results. After this, google scholar was used for the search. The key terms used for the search were "necrotizing enterocolitis" "very low birth weight infants" "preterm" "breastfeeds" "formula feeds." The search yielded 130 articles. Abstracts from the articles in the first 2 pages of the search were reviewed for selection of pertinent and useful articles. Further on, CINAHL database also was used for the search. Search in this database was pursued after logging in and using the search terms "necrotizing enterocolitis" "very low birth weight infants" "preterm" "breastfeeds" "formula feeds". It was found that the articles found in Google Scholar and CINAHL database were there in PubMed too. From these dat abases, 3 articles were selected to answer the PICO question and facilitate evidence-based practice. The gold standard for any evidence-based practice is randomized controlled trials which when performed with optimized research designs that can answer pertinent questions. However, meta-analysis and a systematic review have topped the hierarchy list and when present, they are preferred to randomized controlled trials (Evans, 2003). According to the Cochrane database, in preterm infants with low birth weight, formula milk is associated with higher risk for NEC when compared to donor breast milk. Such an inference was based on the exhaustive meta-analysis conducted by Quiley, Henderson, Anthony et al (2007) in which the researchers reviewed randomized controlled trials pertaining to this topic. It was found that formula-fed infants had a statistically higher incidence of NNEC (2.5, 95% confidence interval 1.2, 5.1); when compared to breast milk-fed group (33, 95% confidence interval 17, 100).Ã Ã
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sociological Concepts on War in the Middle East Essay
Sociological Concepts on War in the Middle East - Essay Example Wars can be considered as a serious social problem as it has been responsible for many sociological issues. The wars that have been fought result in degeneration and loss of life and property. During war people become disheartened and they resort to all kinds of violations to correct the authorities in power. People become the preys of exploitation and anarchy in times of war. The social challenges that the wars raise are matchless with out any remedies. People are grabbed by the aftermath of the war by becoming widows, orphans etc. The social threat that the war raises is dissatisfaction and degeneration of the society and people. The status of people gets degenerated and they have to suffer a lot to get out of the social evil of wars. Due to the anarchy during the times of the war people get addicted to alcohol and many other drugs. The wars that are fought in the Middle East had great lessons to teach the modern world. But people are indifferent to the adverse impacts of war. They behave as if they are ignorant of the aftermaths of the war. The loss of life and property due to never ending war is quite beyond the imagination of human beings. The paper is dedicated to the analysis of global images of sociological concepts on war in the Middle East. Apart from war there are a number of other social problems that the word faces today. All these social problems are social issues that every country suffers in the present day. Though there are a number of corrective measures adopted by the authorities they are not adequate to meet the essential requirements. Any country that suffers from any of these social problems can not be considered secure as it lags much behind social progress that of the expected rate. These social problems stand as a hindrance to the growth and development of the country. If a nation wants to attain fast development in every field it should be free from all these negative factors. The social problems are actually the negative factors that pull the countries backward from development. The major social problems that many nations suffer are poverty, unemployment and under employment, beggary, prostitution, war etc. . (Jamail). The image shows how adversely common people are affected by the social problem war. They are a few social problems that deserve mention. There are a number of other social problems to be mentioned. But comparatively they are less severe than those mentioned above. Poverty is a social evil that grabs the society in the modern world. It is a global issue to be taken care of and to be removed. Whole world is now under the clutches of poverty. The rate at which poverty grows is highly alarming and authorities try to find remedy for the social evil of poverty. But no remedial measure is sufficient and foolproof as it lacks popular support. Unemployment and underemployment are other two social evils which put much burden on people. When people have no jobs they would resort to meanest things to find a living. It affects the status of the country and its people. Begging is another social issue that almost all the developing countries face. Poverty and unemployment are the two reasons responsible for begging. The authorities can reduce the number of people who have resorted to begging by providing more and more job opportunities. The main reason behind the global social problem of prostitution is the lack of employment and less salary of the employed persons. People who resort to
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Influence of Martin Luther on the Modern Church Essay
The Influence of Martin Luther on the Modern Church - Essay Example While here, his greatest aim was to grow to be a saint and to secure himself a place in heaven. For that reason, he lived a very ascetic life following the minutest discipline details as well as learning the rules of mystical meditation and prayer. He spent his days praying and fasting, reading and studying, in night watches and in self-mortifications. His fellow monks, who envied his abstemiousness, saw him as a model of holiness (Hyatt, para2). Despite his many religious works and his leading this kind of austere lifestyle, Luther did not get any peace with God. Hannah explains that the more he strenuously sought out peace and forgiveness, the more they eluded him. In the year 1507, Luther was ordained as a priest and he celebrated his first mass. In the year 1511, he went to teach at a newly founded university in Wittenberg and, in the same year, he got his degree of doctor of theology. He started lecturing on Bible books in vernacular and in order to be in a position to do th is astutely, he started studying the Bible in the initial languages. As Luther taught through the scriptures, especially Galatians, psalms and Romans, he realized that his attempts to gain peace through his own effort were hopeless. He started perceiving the validity of justification via faith in Jesus only (Hyatt, para4 and Hannah, 12). On 31 October 1517, Luther posted his 95 theses on the church door of Wittenburg seeking to debate the selling of ââ¬Ëindulgenciesââ¬â¢ (release from the temporal sin penalties in exchange for cash). People used to obtain forgiveness/absolution through carrying out good works. Moreover, the system permitted people to purchase indulgences for sins not yet committed in advance. In fact, sinners could ââ¬Ëshop aroundââ¬â¢ for the priest who offered the greatest bargains. Moreover, the money obtained did not necessarily help the needy and the poor ââ¬â it could mostly go to paying the personal needs of the priest (MacArov, 183). Lutherâ â¬â¢s proposition turned out to be the opening bombardment of the Protestant Reformation. A war of debates and pamphlets brought Luther into greater realms of influence and eventually, the pope excommunicated him officially and in October 1520, it was publicly announced to have the force of law. There was an order that all his tracts and books be taken away and burned (McKim, 11). Hyatt further explains that he was later on declared a heretic at the Diet of Worms. Anybody who knew his whereabouts was supposed to report to the nearest authorities in order that he could face apprehension. However, Lutherââ¬â¢s writings became so popular with the masses such that the pope and the emperor never dared to apprehend him. Luther prepared a translation of the New Testament in Germany, under the cover of his friends at Wartburg Castle. As McKim explains, Lutherââ¬â¢s German Bible translations outshone all translations before him by far in their theological precision, spiritual authori ty as well as linguistic power and beauty. His new testament was released in September 1522 with three thousand copies and a somewhat high retail price and within a few days, it was out of print. Between the years 1522-1533, his New Testament was 85 editions (12). By the year 1534, Luther, together with other collaborators had also translated their first edition of the Old Testament In the year 1522, Luther went back to Wittenberg where he led the movement officially known as Evangelical Church (known informally as Lutheranism)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pestel Analysis Political Factor Management Essay
Pestel Analysis Political Factor Management Essay China automobile industry, the top vehicle superpower in the world has become the backbone in the national economy due to the fast growing of the industry in 2009. Protections and privileges have been set up by Chinese government to the foreign automakers which directly allow those foreign companies have easy access in Chinese automobile industry. Therefore, China is successfully attracted many multinational companies to enter the country such as Ford, and Volkswagen. Economy Factor The open policy have brings the country rapid and continuous economic growth and today, China has playing an important role in the global economic environment. Based on China currently growing economy position, huge market size, and the dominating position in the global economic environment which showed there are high profits potential have attracted big international vehicle manufacturers. Social Factor Firstly, any international firm needs to understand the Chinese concept of guanxi which is completely different meaning from Western concept of relationship. However, it is important for Western organisations to build their own guanxi networks in China in order to smoothen their operations. Finding local partners when begin a business in China is a sensible way. Thus, many of the multinational automobile manufacturers are choose joint venture as their entry mode where it can ease the process in both administrative and political processes, yet, cultural differences may become the obstacles for them to handle. Technology Factor The technologies in automobile industry are keeps upgrading, for example, automobile makers are now designing a car with environmental consciousness in order to protect the environment and they comes up with hybrid cars. Moreover, several automobile companies are using computers system in their car diagnosing problems. Environment Factor The consequences of the growth sales in automobiles are such as air pollution, sound pollution, and of course the global warming due to the overconsumption of oil which is causing the release of CO3 that harm the earth. Nevertheless, the responsibility is not only in the shoulder of China but also the burden of the whole world. Legal Factor China laws and regulations are usually often known as unclear, ambiguous and difficult to understand. However, the government is trying to liberalize the legal and regulatory environment for foreign investors. Michael Porters 5 Forces Threats of Product Substitutions The factor presenting the strongest threat of substitutes in the industry is the second hand car. This may be seen in the face of used automobiles which are sold by dealerships along with new cars. Especially, when it is in the economic recession which directly impact the increase of buying second hand cars and reduce sales in new cars. Public transportation like bus, train, monorail and others are another alternative mode of transport as the substitutes to cars. Threats of New Entrants Due to the economic booming and the rise of demand in purchasing cars in China, thus, it will attract more new entrants in the Chinese automobile industry. A large investment is needed by every new entrant in order to set up necessary facilities in producing large amount of production. The fixed costs are high, and then it will be a major entry barrier for new entrants. Besides, new entrants need to face some authorization processes before launch their new business. However, the lack of transparency in China legal system may bring substantial difficulties for them and it will create barriers too. Intensity of Rivalry As we know that, to involve in automobile industry the fixed costs are high. So, assuming a company wants to leave the industry, their loss of revenues and assets will be high too. Hence, to avoid disinvestment, companies will increase their research and development and invest in marketing in order to attract customers which will increase the intensity of rivalry amongst companies. Besides, international automobile companies not only need to competing each other, but also amongst the local automobile companies. Although it is true that customers might buy foreign cars by the mindset of quality, but, local customers will more prefer local automobiles where their design may fit their needs compare to foreign cars. Bargaining Power of Buyers Dealerships is the key buyers for those car manufacturers, yet, the end-user customers also importance to be counted. The exclusive contractual agreements make the switching costs for the dealerships are extremely high. But, dealerships are vital to those car manufacturers too in the sense of reaching the end consumers. Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is seem to be high. This is because by the small size of reliable suppliers whose are producing high quality raw materials and readymade components and parts which are no substitutes for all needed raw materials. Michael Porters Diamond Analysis Factor Conditions China is a large population country with its increasing purchasing power has made it as the ideal place for investments. In order to attract international automobile companies, the State council of China has developed a new development outline, called the Outline in March 2009 where it is about industrial upgrading, technological enhancement and promotion of new engines. It is no doubt that China has enough facilities including land capacity and natural resources that able to support every interested company. Demand Conditions Today, there are change in the level of Chinese needs and want which is come along with the increase of purchasing power and disposable income amongst the demographics. Moreover, the improvement in the Chinese lifestyle and economic life of state power risen the private consumption of them. The demand in China was especially heavy for cars that were perceived to be of higher quality than most of those produced by Chinese government and in China only about 20% of people owned car. Related and Supporting Industries China has realized that the reliance on low-end and labor-intensive manufacturing which use mainly imported technology is being no longer sustainable. Therefore, the development of the automobile industry shall involve restructuring of the production and technological advancement. The presented Outline by the Chinese government entails that passenger cars produced with domestically independent brands shall account for over 40% of the total car market, comprising about 10% (around one million) of the whole export production and sales in 2011. A powerful information system aimed at enhancing the Joint Ventures capabilities by better managing the entire value chain of the enterprise, including research, design, sourcing, production, marketing, sales, and service. Firm Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry In terms of market expansion it is a moderate factor influencing rivalry among competitors due to the established powerful brands in the industry, nevertheless some companies engage in more than one segment by utilizing different brands, e.g. BMW and Mini. Rivalry among competitors is also little reduced through a degree of differentiation in few diverse segments within the automobile industry like luxury cars and budget cars. The models offered by Changan-Ford in the Chinese market sold well because they appealed to a sophisticated segment of buyers, who saw Western-designed cars as differentiated because of their overall superior quality, innovative technology and aesthetic appeal. Hofstedes Dimension Social Orientation China scored 20 in the index which is showed that Chinese is a highly collectivist group where they act based on the group majority decision and not themselves. In contrast, United States is a highly individualistic community where this can be proved by they achieved a 91 score. In order to solve the problem between collectivist and individualistic culture, Changan-Ford can held workshops or seminars which are able to educate their employees about the important of teamwork (ie. Team building). Power Orientation By the high score of 80, China is a definitely power respect culture where they will obey to their superiors command and instructions. However, United States scoring a low score in this dimension which is only 40. And this is showed that Americans are practicing power tolerance where they will just follow their leader if they think that their leader is right, whereas the superior will listen to the employees opinion. Therefore, empowerment atmosphere is in the Americans culture. Changan-Ford may benchmark the Toyota lean productions strategy whereby Toyota is believed in bottom-up report and this beside can formalized the process but also can decentralized the organisation. Uncertainty Orientation In this dimension, China has score 30 which is showed that Chinese do not avoid risk and contented with ambiguity. Slightly scores higher score than China, US scores 46 which presented that Americans are risk takers and willing to accept new ideas, innovative products and willing to try new practices. Goal Orientation By the scores of 66, China is proven to be masculine society. Thus, many Chinese will rather sacrifice their family than careers due to they are more eager to be successful in their jobs. Not far different from China, US score 62 on this dimension showed that Americans are masculine society too. Time Orientation Chinese is known as the country that needed longest time to make decision making where persistence and perseverance are normal. This can be proved by they achieved extremely high score in this dimension which is 118 score. Contrast, US scores 29 in this dimension and showed that they are short-term oriented culture. Therefore, Americans make fast decision making than Chinese. The suggestion for Changan-Ford to solve this problem is they may set dateline to all decision-makings that all managers need to make.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Internet Telesurgery Saves Lives :: Technology Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Internet Telesurgery Saves Lives People view the Internet generally in two ways either in a positive light or a negative view. What adds fuel to how people feel about the Internet is what they hear about the Internet from the media. Whether they read it in a newspaper, magazine, or hear it on television the media effects how people feel about certain things and this includes their feelings on the Internet. The Internet gets positive coverage from the media whenever it makes life easier or better, by making things more convenient. One positive advancement with Internet technology is the development of telesurgery over recent years. Telesurgery is a way to perform surgical operations without having the doctor in direct contact with the patient during surgery. This is made possible by giving the doctor control of robotic operating tools. The doctor can perform the surgery from almost any distance while the patient receives the surgery from remote control robotic operating instruments. What enables the doctor to control the surgery is a powerful Internet link to connect the doctor to operating tools, monitors, and to communication with other expert doctors. While the patient undergoes the surgery they are not left alone with the robotic instruments they have direct human assistance at the scene of the operation. The surgical assistant is needed to monitor any problems that doctors may miss due to slight delays in Lopez 2 the Internet link. While telesurgery can be used to perform most operations, some common surgeries that telesurgery has been used for are gall bladder removal, appendectomies, and gynecological procedures. This technology has an endless amount of benefits. A patient can receive the operation they need at their local hospitals from the most qualified surgeon in that field of medicine. The ability to operate on people without the doctor being present will enable the medical field to reach farther than it ever has before. With the right link to the telesurgery equipment the Internet is one step closer to having, no boundaries. Surgery can now be performed where doctors may not have the training to perform certain operations. For instance in underdeveloped countries, where the medical standards have not reached the capabilities of industrialized nations. Telesurgery will benefit those who are injured while fighting on the battlefield and are in need of major medical attention. The doctor can provide the injured soldier with the help they need from a safe location without the worry of injury to them self.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Ball and Brown Essay
In 1968 Raymond Ball and Phillip Brown published ââ¬ËAn empirical evaluation of accounting income numbersââ¬â¢ in the Journal of Accounting research. After an initial lukewarm response from the academic community it rapidly became what the American Accounting Association now calls ââ¬Ëthe seed that made a differenceââ¬â¢. The purpose of this essay is to introduce the study of Ball and Brown(motivations, research questions and findings) and identify its significant contributions in capital markets research. Introduction According to the resources provided, Ball and Brown described the motivation for their study as a test of existing scholarly research that painted a dim picture of reported earnings. The early articles concluded that earnings could not be informative, and therefore major changes to accounting practice where necessary to correct the problem. In their research, Ball and Brown sought to answer the simple fundamental research question: are accounting income numbers useful? Their position was summarised: ââ¬Å"An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers requires agreement as to what real-world outcome constitutes an appropriate test of usefulness. Because net income is a number of particular interest to investors, the outcome we use as a predictive criterion is the investment decision as it is reflected in security pricesâ⬠(Ball and Brown 1968). Ball and Brown found that when stocks had a positive income surprise, the abnormal stock price returns for the event window were also likely to be positive, and vice versa. They also found that a majority of the increase in the abnormal returns was before the announcement date, which implied that analysts have fairly accurate forecasts of whether firms will outperform or underperform. Significance of their contributions Although there does have some limitations in Ball and Brownââ¬â¢s study, it had a significant impact on later research. Ball and Brown (1968) provide compelling evidence that there is information content in accounting earnings announcements. In the meantime, they correlate the sign of the abnormalà stock return in the month of an earnings announcement with the sign of the earnings change of a certain firmââ¬â¢s earnings in a previous year earnings. Starting with Ball and Brown (1968), many studies used such association with stock returns to compare alternative accounting performance measures, such as historical cost earnings, current cost earnings, residual earnings, operating cash flows, and so on. As Watts and Zimmerman point out, most accounting research since Ball and Brown (1968) has been positive, and the role of accounting theory is no longer normative. Ball and Brown (1968) heralded the positive-economics-based empirical capital markets research in the late 1960s.Concurrent developments in economics and finance constituted the theoretical and methodological impetus to the early capital markets research in accounting. In addition, their study initially provides reliable evidence that stock markets can influence annual reports. Then researchers began to do a lot in reflect of stock market. Furthermore, the method used is also applicable to a large number of accounting and financial issues, including dividend announcements, earnings announcements, mergers and acquisitions, and investment spending. 3. Conclusion Ball and Brown (1969) expressed a view of information in markets that was revolutionary and contributed to a significant change in attitudes towards investing and financial markets. By testing the connection between earnings expectations and share price changes they were the genesis of a body of research that now underpins modern day investment processes. References Jackson, S. (1999), ââ¬Å"Australia: Towns get by without their banksâ⬠, The Australian. pp. 3. Phillips, N. and Malhotra, N. (2008). ââ¬ËTaking social construction seriously: extending the discursiveapproach in institutional theoryââ¬â¢. In Greenwood, R., Oliver, C., Sahlin, K. and Suddaby, R. (Eds),Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism. London: Sage, 602ââ¬â720. How can responsible international mining and oil companies use their social investment funds? Nikolai, Bazley, and Jefferson Jones. Intermediate Accounting. South-Western College Pub, 209 Massoud, M. and C. Raiborn(2003), ââ¬Å"Accounting for Goodwill: Are We Better Off?,â⬠Review of Business, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 26-32. Ball and Brown (1968): The seed that made a difference, Ball, R., and Brown, P. (1968), ââ¬Å"An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbersâ⬠, Journal of Accounting Research 6 (2), pp.159-178 Watts and Zimmerman (1979), ââ¬Å"The Demand for and Supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excusesâ⬠, The Accounting Review, Vol. 54, No. 2, American Accounting Association. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What You Need to Know About Commedia DellArte
What You Need to Know About Commedia Dell'Arte Commedia dellarte, also known as Italian comedy, was a humorous theatrical presentation performed by professional actors who traveled in troupes throughout Italy in the 16th century. Performances took place on temporary stages, mostly on city streets, but occasionally even in court venues. The better troupes - notably Gelosi, Confidenti, and Fedeli - performed in palaces and became internationally famous once they traveled abroad. Music, dance, witty dialogue, and all kinds of trickery contributed to the comic effects. Subsequently, the art form spread throughout Europe, with many of its elements persisting even into the modern theater. Given the vast number ofà Italian dialects, how would a touring company make itself understood? Apparently, there was no attempt made to change the performances dialect from region to region. Even when a local company performed, much of the dialogue would not have been understood. Regardless of region, the oft-used characterà il Capitanoà would have spoken in Spanish,à il Dottoreà in Bolognese, andà lArlecchinoà in utter gibberish. The focus was placed on physical business, rather than spoken text. Influence The impact ofà commedia dellââ¬â¢arteà on European drama can be seen in French pantomime and the English harlequinade. The ensemble companies generally performed in Italy, although a company called theà comà ©dieââ¬âitalienneà was established in Paris in 1661. Theà commedia dellââ¬â¢arteà survived the early 18th century only by means of its vast influence on written dramatic forms. Props There were no elaborate sets inà commedia. Staging, for example, was minimalistic, with rarely anything more than one market or street scene, and the stages were frequently temporary outdoor structures. Instead, great use was made of props including animals, food, furniture, watering devices, and weapons. The characterà Arlecchinoà bore two sticks tied together, which made a loud noise on impact. This gave birth to the word slapstick. Improvisation In spite of its outwardly anarchic spirit, commedia dellarteà was a highly disciplined art requiring both virtuosity and a strong sense of ensemble playing. The unique talent ofà commediaà actors was to improvise comedy around a pre-established scenario. Throughout the act, they responded to each other, or to the audiences reaction, and made use ofà lazzià (special rehearsed routines that could be inserted into the plays at convenient points to heighten the comedy), musical numbers, and impromptu dialogue to vary the happenings on stage. Physical Theater Masks forced actors to project their characters emotions through the body. Leaps, tumbles, stock gags (burleà andà lazzi), obscene gestures, and slapstick antics were incorporated into their acts. Stock Characters The actors of theà commediaà represented fixed social types. These types includedà tipi fissi, for example, foolish old men, devious servants, or military officers full of false bravado. Characters such as Pantalone (the miserly Venetian merchant), Dottore Gratiano (the pedant from Bologna), or Arlecchino (the mischievous servant from Bergamo), began as satires on Italian types and became the archetypes of many of the favorite characters of 17th- and 18th-century European theatre. Arlecchinoà was the most famous. He was an acrobat, a wit, childlike, and amorous. He wore a cat-like mask and motley-colored clothes and carried a bat or wooden sword.Brighellaà wasà Arlecchinosà crony. He was more roguish and sophisticated, a cowardly villain who would do anything for money.Il Capitanoà (the captain) was a caricature of the professional soldier - bold, swaggering, and cowardly.Il Dottoreà (the doctor) was a caricature of learning who was pompous and fraudulent.Pantaloneà was a caricature of the Venetian merchant, rich and retired, mean and miserly, with a young wife or an adventurous daughter.Pedrolinoà was a white-faced, moonstruck dreamer and the forerunner of the modern clown.Pulcinella, as seen in theà English Punch and Judy shows, was a dwarfish humpback with a crooked nose. He was a cruel bachelor who chased pretty girls.Scarramuccia, dressed in black and carrying a pointed sword, was the Robin Hood of his day.The handsomeà Inamoratoà ( the lover) went by many names. He wore no mask and had to be eloquent in order to perform speeches of love. Theà Inamorataà was his female counterpart; Isabella Andreini was the most famous. Her servant, usually calledà Columbina, was the beloved of Harlequin. Witty, bright, and given to intrigue, she developed into such characters as Harlequine and Pierrette.La Ruffianaà was an old woman, either the mother or a village gossip who thwarted the lovers.Cantarinaà andà Ballerinaà often took part in the comedy, but for the most part, their job was to sing, dance, or play music. There were many other minor characters, some of which were associated with a particular region of Italy, such asà Peppe Nappaà (Sicily),à Gianduiaà (Turin),à Stenterelloà (Tuscany),à Rugantinoà (Rome), andà Meneghinoà (Milan). Costumes The audience was able to pick up on the type of person actors were representing through each characters dress. For elaboration, loose-fitting garments alternated with very tight, and jarring color contrasts opposed monochrome outfits. Except for the inamorato, males would identify themselves with character-specific costumes and half-masks. Theà zannià (precursor to clown), such Arlecchino, for example, would be immediately recognizable because of his black mask and patchwork costume. While the inamorato and the female characters wore neither masks nor costumes unique to that personage, certain information could still be derived from their clothing. Audiences knew what members of the various social classes typically wore, and also expected certain colors to represent certain emotional states. Masks All the fixed character types, the figures of fun or satire, wore colored leather masks. Their opposites, typically pairs of young lovers around whom the stories revolved, had no need for such devices. In modern Italianà handcrafted theater, masksà are still created in the ancient tradition ofà carnacialesca. Music The inclusion of music and dance intoà commediaà performance required that all actors have these skills. Frequently at the end of a piece, even the audience joined in on the merrymaking.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Entrepreneurial Decision
Entrepreneurial Decision An entrepreneur influences the decision-making process by using different attributes such as intuitiveness, emotions or rationality (Hitt, 2001). In turn, the decision-making process affects an entrepreneur as it highlights the elements of loss or profit in business. This definitely shapes the thinking and the ultimate choice an entrepreneur makes.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Entrepreneurial Decision-making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Referring to the influence on the environment, an entrepreneur creates ventures and makes strategic choices that ultimately influence the environment. On the other hand, it is worth noting that in an open system, the environment is not only a recipient as it is also a feeder (Gelderen, 2001). In this regard, the environment gives feedback to the entrepreneur and influences the choices made regarding business ventures. Based on the ideas of Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd (200 8), entrepreneurship is a process that entails the creation of a new thing. The created substance must hold value, as time, resources and efforts are often employed. In addition, financial, social and psychic risks are involved. However, the opportunity to receive both personal and monetary rewards makes entrepreneurship a worthwhile experience. Entrepreneurship decisions have far-reaching effects within any given economy (Gelderen, 2001). As an illustration, entrepreneurs influence allocation of resources through the decisions that they make. Precisely, entrepreneurs are allocators of resources. In this regard, it is worth noting that entrepreneurs decide in which industries to invest and in which industries not to invest. Such a decision can influence the policy framework of economies in a big way. By way of illustration, if entrepreneurs decide to invest resources in a new business, then the government may decide to introduce regulations in such ventures. Regulation is mostly ach ieved using policy instruments. Additionally, the government policies may extend further and outline how taxation is carried out in relation to the new business. In a similar way, the decision to allocate resources to a certain industry is likely to influence demographic diversity, in terms of the regions occupied by people.Advertising Looking for coursework on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Further, if the area that an entrepreneur chooses to invest in lies far away from the rural areas, there are chances that such a decision will affect demographics. Demographics are affected since there is a likelihood that individuals would be tempted to migrate from their original areas of residence in the pursuit of the emerging employment opportunities. It is also worth noting that the decision to allocate resources to a certain industry may hold the potential of altering employment demographics within a region, as it definitely changes the labor force statistics. This view is held in reference to the idea that a decision to allocate resources to a certain region influences access to work opportunities. As job opportunities increase in an area that entrepreneurs decide to invest in, people move to such areas with a view to taking advantage of the emerging vacancies. Moreover, the decision to allocate resources has political implications. As an example, investing in certain regions is likely to contribute towards development in reference to expansion of job opportunities and investment opportunities to businesses that deal in the same line of production. As such, the political class is likely to enjoy increased popularity when investments increase in the areas that they hail from. Based on the example above, it is evident that a decision by an entrepreneur holds different outcomes. Although the results are far-reaching, it is true that intuitiveness, rationality and environmental fac tors influence the decisions that are taken. However, the extent to which the effects of entrepreneurial decisions are felt varies across regions. Reference List Gelderen, M et al. (2001). Strategies, uncertainty and performance of small business start-ups, Small Business Economics 15, 165-181. Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M.P. Shepherd, D.A. (2008). Entrepreneurship. Boston: McGrawââ¬âHill.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Entrepreneurial Decision-making specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hitt, M. R. (2001). Strategic entrepreneurship: entrepreneurial strategies for wealth creation, Strategic Management Journal 22, 479-491.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Anti-Abortion Laws and Maternal Mortality in the US Research Paper
Anti-Abortion Laws and Maternal Mortality in the US - Research Paper Example However the perception of abortion has changed over the centuries. Abortion became one of the most controversial and debatable subjects in the modern society. Donald T. Critchlow (Critchlow 1996, 1) points out that abortion transformed into political issue since ââ¬Å"reproduction rights became public policy.â⬠There are various issues related to abortion: ethical, biological, religious and others. Those issues have transformed over the years and social understanding of them has changed. I believe that the most tragic subject of anti-abortion laws is the issue of maternal-mortality when performing illegal abortions. In this paper I will provide analysis of issues related to maternal mortality prior to the time when abortions were considered legal in the US, precisely the time period between 1800s ââ¬â 1900s. Anti-abortion legislation in the US caused millions of deaths from illegal abortion and poor medical assistance. Abortion procedure is not something new, it has been known for ages. Women were doing abortions for long time and they will keep doing them even if it is considered illegal. The question is: what price society is ready to pay for this and how many more women have to die. Unfortunately there is no exact statistical data of how many women died during the anti-abortion era. In the beginning of 20th century maternal mortality ratio indicated 600 deaths per 100 000 livebirths in the USA (Ronsmans and Graham September 30, 2006, 4). This number was significantly bigger before the 1900s due to the poor medical conditions and illegal status of abortions. There is no precise data of illegal abortions due to several reasons. First of all, women were ashamed to report on having an abortion. Secondly, they experienced family and social pressure and guilt and preferred to hide the fact of abortion. At the same time wrong and misleading reports from medical institutions blurred the real number of deaths from illegal abortions (Rose 2008, 114). C onnecticut was the first American state that prohibited abortion in 1821. Later on other states followed its example and banned termination of pregnancy as well. The issue of abortion was forbidden to discuss for a very long time in American society. This situation forced women to use some illegal abortion services, thus putting their lives in danger. Women were allowed to have a legal abortion in exceptional cases predetermined by their medical conditions (Frankowski and Cole 1987, 20). In this situation women used severe and dangerous techniques to terminate unwanted pregnancies. They used knitting needles and coating hangers, douched with some poisonous chemicals or took some strong pills in order to perform the procedure themselves. All these methods put womenââ¬â¢s lives in danger. Oftentimes they needed immediate professional medical assistance, but it was difficult for them to get it, due to social stigma and prejudices. If the abortion did not work women tried to perfor m the procedure again and again (Boston Women's Health Book Collective. 1998). I believe there were several reasons for abortion to be considered illegal. First of all, in the 1800 this surgical procedure was highly risky and the high mortality rates proved that. However majority of surgical procedures were risky for patients at that time. Secondly, anti-abortion legislation created a control mechanism over women. Later on this control and restrictions had a great impact on the feminist movements (Gordon 1976). Thirdly, male doctors increased their control over the medical field and consolidated their power. Finally, American government tried to scare the white population of the possible ââ¬Å"race suicide.â⬠Therefore white women were highly recommended to give birth (Boston Women's
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Was Hitler's rise to power due to his own strengths or to the Essay
Was Hitler's rise to power due to his own strengths or to the situation in Germany - Essay Example Political power sometimes is achieved out of situational advantage.The greatest racist in history Adolph Hitler did exactly that His views as a racist seeped into the general German mass that ultimately helped him to perform the notorious genocide killing 5 million Jews.The greatest racist in history Adolph Hitler did exactly thatHe incorporated racism within the cross section of the German mass against the Jews though various methods like using media to his benefit and through overwhelming oratory. The idea of racial discrimination through methodical racial institutionalization of education, employment and health was put into the ultimate practice with fearful results. For example the speech presented at Munich on the date April 12, 1922 presents the insight of the conceptualization and formulation of raciest ideas and making it the instrument of gaining power at the Reichstag. The situation and the groundwork were favorable for Hitler. Germany was passing through a phase of humilia tion and unemployment with economic downfall after the defeat of First World War.The Weimar republic was in power during the post First World War period starting from 1919. The Weimer government was completely unsuccessful with their political and financial policies and unemployment was on a high. As it is the country's defeat in the First World War resulted in economic instability that further incorporated fascist and Spartacist coups, like that of Hermann Ehrhardt's Freikorps, with wide spread political extremism and overall lawlessness. Constitution formed after abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II was inappropriate and weak and soon it lost popularity. The economy was badly hurt as a result of WWI defeat and treaty of Versailles claiming 20,000 billion gold marks as war reparations. This result in the currency to be unstable with 469,000 million marks national debt. Furthermore the economic coal fields of Rurh were occupied by the French government. To add more problem the 1929 stock market crisis made matter more severe. All these conditions ultimately led into hyperinflation that summed up to 663 billion marks. There are also enough evidences that Hitler political power was based upon brute force with his incorporation of brutal political murders with included murder of communist leaders. Additionally, he blamed the Jews for all economic and political crisis of Germany and motivated the population to become anti-Semitic. Once the population became Anti-Semitic it was helpful to gain popularity and thus gain political power as the Germans regarded Hitler to be their savior. However, election results show that there is a gradual rise of popularity of the Nazi party from 1928-1932 but the main problem remained that there was no specific party individually strong enough to rule. This was a situation of an example of political instability in Germany that Hitler took complete advantage. (Rise of Nazism, 14-15) An evaluation of the sources Hitler, Adolph; Hitler Speaks in Munich; SPEECH OF April 12, 1922; NBT; 1999 The Rise of Nazism; pp-14-15 This book published in 1999 was recovered from Russian Achieves and presents a wide range of speeches by Hitler. These speeches show the methods by which Hitler uses to motivate the audience with fact at the beginning and fallacy to back his intentions. In his speech Hitler started off with the right note by pointing towards the defeat of the First World War as this would be the best possible mode of attracting the audiences' attention as logically enough that would be the most concerned element of the mass during the 1922 Germany. He promptly indicates that there was a "debt of some 7 or 8 millions of marks and beyond that was faced with the debts of the rest of the world" (Hitler, 1, 1). This the best possible manner by which he could effectively guide his intentions towards a well formulated methodical approach that would enable him to take the audience by his side
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